Sunday, October 22, 2023


I am getting sick and tired of the worldwide sympathies expressed and shown towards the Palestinian people. Now they are the suffering ones. They are the ones who it seems without justification are suffering price of retaliation for the barbaric acts of Hamas. Or this now the "permissible" showing of the public's antisemitic attitude? I think, both.

The Palestinian people were living in Gaza for 75 years now, ever since Israel was established. If they wanted to it was plenty of time to establish a thriving and successful state. But no, they rather lived in refugee camps through several generations and complained and raised the terrorists of the future. Maybe it was not only the Palestinians living there. I belief other Arab countries had their hands in it, too. I am sure it was for their advantage to keep the Palestinians down and prevent them a normal life.

I am sure, but I don't understand the reason. Granted, they have nothing to offer the world, like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai, Qatar but with assistance they could have succeeded. They just did not want to. It was easier living with a dream that might never materialize and living under public assistance. I guess these people just do not have the drive to succeed! 

Now they are paying the price. Who will pay for the reconstruction of their cities? I am convinced that it will not be them. We, the world will pay for it one way or another. Just like in Ukraine.

1 comment:

  1. When some time ago we manned a stall in the busiest part of London, in support of Israel, several Arabs, mostly Kuwaitis came up to us to voice their very negative opinion of Palestinians. They are not that popular in many Arab countries.
