Thursday, October 19, 2023

Wars and News

I see that with the Israeli problems in the forefront, Ukraine fell down on the list of important news items. This must piss Mr. Z off to no end. He was going around at The UN and from country to country begging for help to support his totally corrupt regime and then suddenly Hamas just pushed him off the top of the "best seller" list.

In the daily news reports we really don't hear much of what is happening in Ukraine. My internet has a few pretty unimportant and uninteresting articles about it but TV news don't talk about it at all. Israel and Palestine is the news. Media do not care about fairness. All they care about is news and how can they sell their timeslots.

Today's prime news are Israel/Palestine and the election of the Speaker of the House. The second, the speaker saga is all about another politically corrupt organization. Each and every member of the House of Representatives cares about their own interests, covered under the phony American people designation. Every one of them claim that their way of thinking, their acts are strictly for the benefit of the American people. This is totally sickening.

By not electing a Speaker they are crippling their own organization. Their acts are driven by strong partisanship and self interest and not what is good for the country. 

The other observation I have is that a successful war depends on surprise attacks. But the media is foaming at its mouth trying to find out what will happen and when so they can place their reporters in place ahead of these attacks and announce these acts. Don't they think or don't they care that the moment such schedule is announced the enemy will so much the wiser? I am sure that they don't care. And that is scary.

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