Sunday, October 8, 2023


IO don't remember if I ever mentioned how much my wife likes animals. Well, for first we have Robin. Ok, Robin is not an animal even though he walks on four. He is a member of our family, he is a centerpiece. Everything revolves around him. Him and my wife are inseparables. Each crazy about the other.

But there are others in our sphere. We live on the first floor with a garden entrance and as such nature comes to us. It comes in the form of hungry squirrels. To make them happy she bought a feeder and fills it up with peanuts. She also places fresh water for those poor and thirsty squirrels. They already know my wife and when she goes out to fill up the feeder they are gathering.

The other group she adopted are sparrows. There are a few fairly large bushes outside our windows that are homes to a multitude of sparrows. They are hungry and noisy. So, she bought two bird feeders, hung them and she keeps them filled with birdseed. When there is no more food for them, they choruslike chirp pretty loudly.

Now, there are more items added to our weekly shopping list. Huge bag of peanuts and birdseed. Actually we get them online but most of the time the once a month delivery is not enough. The squirrels are happy with the peanuts. The sparrows are not choosy at all. It doesn't matter what bird food we buy they eat it.e  Might that be wild bird food, parakeet food or any other type.

I'm happy that we don't live in the suburbs because there she would also feed the deer and bear population too.

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