Today we had a doctor's appointment. As I noted before we like to use NYU doctors, and since that is such a huge organization they have doctors all over the New York area. If one wants a good specialist one has to be willing totravel to wherever that doctor is located.
This particular doctor is located in deep Brooklyn and that is where we had to go. I never liked Brooklyn and today proved it again why. We hit such traffic that I had to call the doctor's office and let know that we would be late. And we were 35 minutes late but they were nice enough and still saw us.For a while I thought
It is interesting to see the neighborhoods where these clinics are located. Ours here where we live is totally russian. They speak russian, their signs are russian and most of the patients are russians. Where we went today is in an arab area. Most of the store signs are in arabic. For a while I thought I was in Cairo. But later I realized no, this is New York.
There was arab lady in the waiting room who at one point got up and did her bowing and praying as it is required.