Thursday, March 25, 2021

Oval Office

Thank you President Biden!!!!

You are really making or lives better and easier. I am very happy that you got elected because I am sure you will make history.

You will make history because you are so lame it is not even funny! I think Jimmy Carter was better than you are. You will make history as one of the worst if not the worst president this country ever had. You should have had the decency not to run because of your age. You should have realized your limitations. Let's face it, you are just too old to be able to hold a job like this. What was it, the four year rent free living?

You are hiding from the public. you are hiding from the media, your very few speaches do not make any sense. Your one obsession is that whatever President Trump did is no good and must be wiped off the books.

You are creating unemployment, you are creating international tensions, you are making America the laughing stock of the world. Whatever diplomatic achievement the the Trump administration had you belittle. Case in point Israel and Israel's diplomatic achievements in the Arab world. For you it is nothing because you are not inclined to pursue it. Maybe your antisemitic feeling are coming to the surface.

Gas prices are skyrocketing, thanks to you. In the previous four years gas prices were low and stayed that way. But now, the sky is the limit.

$1,400 stimulus money will not drastically change anybody's life. It might help out for a month. But then what? If there is no future this money has no meaning.

I think I can see what is waiting for us. Biden will not finish his term. He will resign claiming some phoney excuse and VP Harris will step in. I have a funny feeling this was the arrangement they agreed on.

This will also make history: first woman president, first black woman president. With Harris' radical views we are looking for a very curious future!  

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