Saturday, March 27, 2021


I remember that years ago whenever I was going home late at night I always saw those funny looking trucks in the city delivering bundles of newpapers (Ithink they were called mailers). They drove up to a store or newsstand, hollered in and then dumped large bundles of next day's edition of newspapers and drove off to the next address. This was part of city life.

Lately, I don't see anything like this at all. I don't know how newspapers are delivered as a matter of fact I don't know if anybody still read newspapers. Well, if they do it is certainly not for the news value. In today's technology the minute the news is printed it is already obsolete. Thanks to the internet we are informed faster and just as much in detail as the nespapers. 

The difference is that newspapers can add their (mostly) twisted commentaries the way it can serve their interests. Not that TV and radio would not do that but there is more possibility on paper.

When I used to go to work every morning on the subway I always saw people reading the papers. Now that I am a stay at home pop I really don't know if this is still happening. But going into any store that used to sell daily papers I did notice the low supply or total lack of them.

How do they stay in business? If nobody read them what is the point advertising? Maybe in small towns it is different where publication is in low numbers and local news is more interesting and less biased.

I remember years ago New York City had a bunch of morning papers and even some afternoon papers. Then slowly they all fell by the wayside. The few that are still around are the victors. 

The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are institutions by themselves. But still, publishing daily 35 plus pages as the NYT does it is not easy. This is not a paper easily readable on the train.

What I never liked about New York papers that their ink dirtied up my hands. Going through a paper my fingertips were black, I immediately needed to wash my hands. It was caused either by the quick printing or the cheap ink they used.

Anyway, watching the news on tv or listening to the radio keep me just as informed or better, and my hands stay clean.  


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