Friday, March 12, 2021


I already said that teenagers were not normal. This time I am going one step further. Teenagers are retards. At least some of them.

A college philosophy test requirement is to write about anything. Anything at all. It came to my attention that a subject to be covered will be Spiderman. 

I know this is not a doctoral thesis but still. To write about Spiderman in a college test sounds very childish. At least to me it does. Maybe I am too old fashioned, stuck in my old ways of thinking.

I know that there were and are people who make good living out of these sc-fi creatures but that is different. These imaginary characters are not supposed to fill the brains of young people.

Some kids' immediate plans include watching all the following movies: X-men, Spiderman, Star Wars, Wonderwoman, Aqua Man, Superman, and whatever else that fall into this genre.

Gone with the wind, War and Peace, The Ten Commandments, Streetcar named desire and many, many more are not even in their long ranged viewing plans. When one happens to mention any one of these they look at him like he is talking in another language. This is pretty sad.

It seems to me that reading went out of style. It is easier to read consised versions of books than really read it. This way they know the story but miss out on the beauty of the story. This is also sad.

In my days in school we were required to read Hungarian classics. Not one or two but many. And read it from beginning to the end. We were also required to read poems and analyze them. 

I never understood why we had to memorize many of them. I don't think I became a better man because I memorized some poems! But I would never tell that to my Hungarian Literature teacher.

Leave him with the belief that knowing how to quote from those poems contributed to my success in life. 

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