Friday, April 30, 2021

The day after

One of the best scenes from yesterday's Biden speech was of when sen. Ted Cruz could not keep his eyes open. That represented the entire event. BORING!

Even the Oscar was better and that too sucked.

If I were the president I have been ashamed to speak before such an empty gathering. If Nancy wanted to embarrass the president, she succeeded. She controled the occupancy of that hall and it was a shame. A bad Broadway play gets more people than yesterday's event.

Those two women sat at the top of the podium like to mother hens. Polozi was watching the audience to see if everybody behaved, then when the time came she jumped up to clap. I swear she had a spring attached to her backside that's why she kept jumping up so many time ans so vigorously. 

I wonder if anybody counted how many time Biden got standing ovations. This reminded me to the "good old" communist days when whenever Stalin or others said anything the listeners jumped up and applauded. Maybe this is a rehearsal for days to come.

Sen. Schumer sat in the front row in a blue suit (I think). Whenever he applauded he made sure it was noticed by the president. He want it to show what a good boy he was.

Anyway, the man did not say anything new. The only event of last night was that he stayed on his feet, did not fall asleep and did not put on his mask during the entire speech.


Thursday, April 29, 2021


My anxiety is at the top. Right now it is Tuesday night almost 8 o'clock in the evening. At 9 the leader of the free world will speak before a joint house of congress. I can't tell you how excvited I am. Almost as I was before, during and after the recent Oscar ceremony.

I heard that bcause of the "china virus" and assembly restrictions there will  not be a real joint session. So who will be invited, probably all the democrats and maybe three republicans. So what will he say?

He will tell us how terrible the previous four years were and what a wonderful life is waiting for us under his administration. He will tell us that the immigration problem is not as bad as the media make us believe and he has tha fix for it. He will tell us that there is so much work is waiting for us that there are just not enough workforce available and because of it we might have to subsidize work to places like China. He will tell us that Iran is a good country and we are ready to forge an enternal friendship with them.

Oh, and there are the russians. He will tell us that when he meets with Putin he will eat out of his hands.

Then he wakes up.     

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


I keep getting electronic messages from every imaginable health organization, the City, my doctor's office to make an appointment for the vaccine. They don't give up! I guess there is a quota and they are hard pressed to fill it. And they are also making it more and more inviting, like no appointments needed, just walk in. 

I am in no hurry. There are too many controversial information out there, some of them are known, some of them are kept away from the American public. Right now I am happy with my life as is. I don't need any health related excitement. 

When it gets to the point that we can not move around like travel and such without proof of the vaccine I might reconsider my decision.

But interestingly, more and more people are losing their faith in the system. Anybody we talk to says that they did not and will not take the vaccine. Nobody trusts these highly touted test results. But they all believe the negative affects.

Interestingly, whenever I went to the doctors' offices or to the pharmacy they always inquired if I took the flu shot and if not would I like to get it. My answer was always no, and they let it be.

Now, with this pandemic nobody is inquiring if I took the vaccine and if not would I like to get it. I wonder why? 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


This pandemic shut down this country for about a year now. For a while nothing was happening, nothing was created, nothing was done. Yet, yesterday was Oscar night. They celebrated the movie industry including films and the people involved. Usually, a very nice event.

But, not this time. It was so utterly boring that watching grass grow is by far more exciting. Any of these award ceremonies are nothing more than self adulation of the peoplde involved. The public couldn't care less! 

I used to watch it because it was always interesting see my favorite performers in real life. without the movie makeups. And occasionally there was also fair entertainement within this show. But yesterday's ceremony was something unbelievable. It was held inside of a train station in Los Angeles. I couldn't see any stars I cared about present. There were people sitting at tables and it looked like a zombie convention. People were sitting far apart and the place was very sparsely occupied.

The presenters thought they were funny, but they were not! The acceptance speeches should have been kept by the winners themselves (but this is always the case). The "orchestra" was a dj. It looked like a poorly organized bar mitzvah.

What I found interesting that with this pandemic engulfing the country and the world how and when were they able to make these movies, documentaries, shorts and everything else they covered yesterday? 

Monday, April 26, 2021


The stratospheric height of middle age (alt: lower end of old age, but sounds better) is a very peculiar thing. When one thinks of it, it has two variations.

One, you feel like an old person. Lots of years behind you, and feel every one of it. Aches and pains in places we never thought could ache and pain. Loss of interest in everything except ourselves because for us we are the most important subject in the universe.  Absolutely nothing to talk about ecxept doctors, medications and nonexistent cures. Don't talk about the present and certainly not about the future but constantly talk about the past.

We don't remember what we ate yesterday but remember vividly childhood things. Maybe because there is nobody around to question it. Also a typical old person syndrome is the: been there, done that. In simple english, there is nothing new under the sun. 

The other variation is different. Age is just a number. Ok, a high number but still only a number. You live by the precept of: you are only as old as you feel. If you don't feel old fine. Physically you are well. No aches and pains, the doctor says you have the body of a 50 year old. (Haha, at this stage, 50 year old means young!) You can excersise and have no problem with mobility. 

Believe it or not there are people around who fall into this category. They still make plans, they go out and when they (only men) see a pretty woman on the street they still turn around. the 

I dont know how the two groups are divided percentwise but I am sure it is close to 50-50. 

There is a subcategory of the first group. Those people know their age, to a point feel their age but don't want to admit to it. They still believe they are Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! 

The disapointment comes when they fall and realize that they can not get up without help. But I find it very interesting that watching certain physical activities on tv I say to myself that I am sure I could do this. But I always say this sitting down. Getting up things look a little different. At that point I am not so sure of myself.


Sunday, April 25, 2021


Just a little afterthought on my earlier facial hair diatribe. I noticed that a lot of male athletes go into their selective sport events unshaven. I wonder if this is the Samson complex? You see, Samson lost his physical strength when his hair was cut. His eyes were poked out but that had no effect on his strength.


Watching the news one can barely hear anything else than Covid-19 or vaccine. Like if there was nothing else happening in this world. Ok, I understand that this is the most important thing we have to face, but constantly reminding us is not doing us any favors. I. personally am sick of it. It makes me wonder if we really have a virus that is so serious or just the media is stirring up the public for whatever reason they have.

This virus/vaccine subject is getting so boring that I even welcome any news about Harry's visit to the UK for his grandpappy's funeral.

Interestingly, outside of the US there are lots of news, findings, comments about the negative effects of the vaccines but no such news can be found here. Here they keep the lid on such things because they are desperately trying to get the people vaccinated. To what end? There are good scientists in other countries not just here. Their findings and cricisms must be taken into count. We can not be so uppety with ourselves that no other opinion matters. Dr. Fauci is no God even if wants to play the role.

It is known that good, effective medicines take about 15 years to develop. These vaccines took months to develop and now they swear on their bank accounts that they work. Very unbelievable! 

The more the government is pushing the vaccination the more political this entire thing is becoming. I belong to this clinic where most of my doctors are. I found out that almost half of the medical people who work there did not get the vaccine because they do not trust the system.

Now, who should I trust? The barely alive president, the governor or the mayor? Interestingly, they all belong to the same party.

Saturday, April 24, 2021


The leader of the free world has the personality of a headless nail. He comes on tv and stares ahead and reads his prepared speeches without showing any emotion. I can not fathom how a man like that was elected. It looks like the life just went out of him.

When he stands a nd speaks I always imagine there is a very short person behind him holding him up. When he speaks in the evening hours I can just hear his mind saying mommy, I don't want to be here, I want to go back to bed.

And that is our prez.

Today on one of the business programs on Fox they raised the question of who writes his speaches. Because he is now so far off of what he was promising during the campaign that someone must be controlling him. The answer was that it is Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez together. The way the commentator sees it they are now controlling the government socialist program. It is apparent that Bernie is in with the White House and OC is very close to Bernie.

So without ever electing one, we now have a government with a socialist program. Only time will tell how long this will last. 


Friday, April 23, 2021


For a while now, every time I see the picture of a celebrity on tv or in photographs they always have a certain amount of facial hair visible. This is a little more than the usual 5 o'clock shadow because this seems to be permanent.

This is interesting, because when certain male actors appear in their roles they are perfectly clean shaven, but when they are home they have this extra hair. I don't understand, is this the fashion now?

The same goes for their hair, too. When not on camera they let their hair grow every wich way. The Neanderthals also had long hair and beard!

Does this mean because they don't work they do not have to look clean, and they can sleep longer because it will take less time to get ready for the day? 

Yesterday, out of desperation, I was watching The Price is Right with Drew Carey. This man is a fairly good comedian but somewhere along the line I think he went nuts. He has long gray hair and digusting looking beard. His clothing looked like they were Salvation Army rejects. I don't know what is he trying to prove. The man makes a mountain of money but can buy normal looking dress? 

If I don't shave every day or let's say every other day I look like an old homeless bum. A few times I let it go for three days the most. My electric razor almost gave up on me. It was pinching my skin when I attempted to shave. Also, when I looked in the mirror I scared myself at what I saw. I almost didn't recognize myself.

But the way I see it only the men do this to themselves. Women, even if they don't work they look presentable and clean.

I'm sure those baggy and crappy looking jeans they wear cost a fortune but still. If this is today's fad they should get it over with.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Monday Robin

Monday morning we took Robin for his (about) monthly do over. I do believe hates it but still he behaves like a gentleman. He doesn't growl and he doesn't bite and we think he likes the lady who does him every month. I am the only one priviledged to be bitten by him. 

This beautification takes about two hours during which time we go and do some shopping. when we return to collect him he looks so different we have to make sure we get our dog back and not a stranger. But it is always him. He must be vewry healthy because his hair grows so much in one month that it is unbelievable. Now, with his hair short he has a very silky touch,

Everything is different about him except his behavior. In the evenings he still growls and ready to bite me as the target. I use up more alcohol and oxigen peroxide in a week than some families use in a year for the bites.

The only satisfaction I get that on the trips to the dog place and back home he sits on my lap and during these times I can carress him, pinch him as much as I like, I don't know if this is a leftover from his previous life but whenever he gets in the car he shakes like jello. He gets very scared no matter how I try to console him. On the way home from the grooming, I guess he knows we are going home he doesn't shake any longer. But he is very pincheable.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Obviously, I watch a lot of tv and because of it I do notice things that I find funny or interetsing. One of these is people excercizing at home.

If we look closer we can see that everyone is having a huge apartment or house with a "separate" gym. Apartments shown invariable have major picture windows with fantastic views. These apartments generally cost $5,000 or more a month to rent. Obviously, people in them belong to the upper few who can afford them, and they can also afford to waste space for their Peloton or other equipment.

Usually, houses and apartments very rarely have so much extra space that they could set up an excercise area or a stationary bike or a treadmill. So showing these things is very unreal. Just like most of the advertisements on tv. 

Another one is face creams. They show beautiful actresses with smooth skin to say that thanks that particular product their skin look so good. BALONEY! Don't believe it for a minute. These are show business people whose jobs are to look good. They have all the professional help available without any worry about the cost.  They don't look good because of that particular creame they are advertising. I want to see a poor old mamushka with wrinkled skin come up to the camera and have before and after session. This will never happen becauase they know their stuff can not perform magic.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Many, many years ago, about 50 years ago, probably pressed by the current style of facial hair, I decided to grow a moustache. Growing a moustache entailed in not shaving the proper areas on my face. The result was that a constant shadow started to show, and I had no problem with that.

In those days I worked in Manhattan and almost every day I went to lunch to a place where we sat at the counter that was built in an S shape. So, there is this lovely and cheerful black lady server who because of my frequent visits kind of knew me already. On that one particular day, when my shadow was more visible she took one look at me and excalaimed "oh, you are growing a moustache".

This is what I really needed. Everybody in the restaurant turned and looked at me. The problem was that she exclaimed quite loud and from afar. I was ready to hide under the counter. Back then I was a little shy and I didn't like this kind of attention. Now, I would really not care.

Anyway, my moustach was born and it grew without any controversy. Almost! In the early 70s we went to Budapest for a visit. Up to that point my Mother did not know that I had this extra hair under my nose. The minute she saw it she said something like this "oh, you grew a moustach, looks good but you will shave it off, right?" At which time my wife chimed in saying "no, he won't because I like it". That was the only controversy my Mom and my wife ever had, And, my wife won, the moustache stayed.

At this time I decided to graduate my moustache to a fu man chu type. Jews usually don't have fu man chu mustaches. They have pajesz and beard.  So, I am growing it. My wifew is not too thrilled but right now there is no controversy about it. Maybe one night while I sleep she will trim it.

Sunday, April 18, 2021


 Today is Sunday, and I will try to make a habit to take this day off.


I was watching on tv, I guess with the rest of the world the funeral of Prince Philip. I found it very interesting.

First the pomp for this event and the way it was organized was unbelievable. I loved the different uniforms and the way all members of the military behaved. If I compare their parade dresses with the Americans' the difference is night and day. American dress uniforms are about as drab as N. Korea's might be if not worse. Can not understand why this country can not develop more colorful uniforms at least for special occasions.

The protocol surrounding the appearance of the royal family was very interesting. I could understand the order of their appearances but what I could not understand why there was nobody from the family with the widow, the Queen? In any funeral isn't normal to surround the widow and provide some kind of support? Or is this family so cold that they do not know what sorrow is and how to comfort one and other? Do they lack all feelings? Protocol to hell, if I want to console someone near me I would do it!

The contact between the two feuding brothers was cold at first but at the end of the service they walked out together and it looked like they were talking. Time will tell about what. 


Saturday, April 17, 2021


I am convinced that when God took that rib out of him to create Woman, also known as Eve, He must have put something else into the mix. Yes, we are similar but at he same time assimilar to each other, but there are also some hidden "talents" in women that only surface once they get married. I would not say these are extrasensory preceptions but these are things only married women have.

A man can live in his environment without changing them, practically forever. A woman will insist, without giving a closer look that it is a pigsty. I always help my wife cleaning house. One of my duties is dusting. No matter how well I dust there is always the comment after it that there is dust everywhere. She must have eyes like a hawk. My eyballs fall out but I don't see a single speck of dust, yet she swears that there is dust everywhere.

The silver cabinet looks great but suddenly she announces that the silver look oxidated, they must be cleaned. They looked fine to me.

One other thing that I do at home. I vacuum. I always thought operating any machinery is the macho thing to do, and the vacuum cleaner falls into this category. So, I vacuum. I go through the carpets and the floor. Sometimes she takes the machine away from me and re-vacuums them. I don't understand this. Does she think that this vacuum cleaner sucks better when she operates it?

Now, why this prologue?

Today she decided to wash the windows. I don't see why when I was perfectly able to see out. I saw the light, I saw the people. To me that was enough. But no, they needed to be washed. We live on the first floor so washing was fairly easy. She asked the building super to connect a water hose to an outlet at the front of the building, and using this long hose washed all our windows from the outside. Now, I can see more light and more people. But did I need this?

Good think Eve didn't know what windows were.

Friday, April 16, 2021


Speaking of boring.

This pandemic is making me pick newer passtimes. Regular tv is getting boring. Their primetime shows I find not very entertaining, news is depressing and preoccupied with the virus. So, what is left to watch?

Sports is the answer.

I am not much of a baseball fan but I watch when there is nothing more interesting. Basketball is good but because of the empty seats these games look more and more like practice sessions. Depressing to watch. Golf is fine and there is tennis. If I watch tennis long enough I realize that these are the same players playing against each other just at different locations. And basically, they are chasing the mighty dollar.

NBC has an olympic channel where they show events from past olympics and current championships. Well, this great because in the world of sports there are many-many interesting events happening. Just recently they were showing a lot of skiing and then figure skating world championship. The skiing I found extremely interesting but figure skating was not my cup of tea.

Now on the interesting scale they hit rock bottom. They are showing curling. To me this one of the most boring sport in the world. To watch a curling tournament is like watching grass grow. This is my opinion and I am sure this sport also has its fan base. One good thing about this is that not like baseball, here they don't spit.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Hollywood Driving

Movies are the worst examples for safe driving. I am not talking about car chases or any other stunt drivings but ordinary street driving.

Anybody who follows the style of driving the movies, tv shows will surely wind up in an accident.

How come? I will explain it.

Watch any scene where two people are sitting next to each other in a car and having a conversation while driving. Have a stopwatch in hand and watch the length of time the driver takes his eyes off the road in order to discuss something of earthshattering importance.

Than if you are suicidal, try this in your own car and give our regards to the otherworld. In real life when drivers take their eyes off the road more than about two seconds accidents are sure to happen. But not in the movies.

This gives a very bad example to people who are prone to imitate what they see on tv or in the movies. One can take his eyes off for any length of time when the actual speed does not ecceed 0 mph.the movies

I am saying this from experience. When I was still driving I tried to imitate the movies but after about the just said two seconds I quickly redirected my eyes to the road. 

I'm not a fool, I don't want to die said to myself.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Robin again

I have positive proof that dogs have no conscience.

Robin our "adorable" dog is the perfect example. He is warm and lovable. He curls up to me whenever he wants to. He lets me pet him if it is convenient for him. He lets me lift him up (all 9 pounds of him) and carry him around the house like a baby only if my timing is good. Belly scratching happens only when he wants it to.

Basically, he is a selfish little spoiled brat. He rules the house. Eats only what he wants to and most of the time it is the same thing we are eating. I think he believes he is not a dog but a hairy person who walks on four legs. He refuses to sleep in his little doggy bed but insists on sleeping on the bed while snuggling up to my wife's legs.

The routine is that at 5:45 in the morning my wife takes him out for a quick pee then he goes in to Abigail's room and continues sleeping on apillow until whatever. Hard life!

The rest of the day goes on without any excitement. He sits on top of a high armchair and looks at the world. At any given moment somebody moves outside our door or passes by our window that looks out to the street he barks. And boy does he bark? I am convonced that his hearing is no good because no matter how many times I tell him to shut up there is no reaction.

Now, why no conscience? Because after all the love dovey during the day in the evenings he bites me without a second thought. My wife and I sit on the sofa watching the tv with Robin between us snoozing. The minute I dare to move my hand he growls, jumps at me, and bites. I think what he does is protecting my wife because he believes I am an attacker. 

All day long I am allright but in the evening I am the bad guy. He has a Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde personality.   


Tuesday, April 13, 2021


I am fed up with the idiots on tv who insist on wearing their masks while they are reporting. The person stands on the street all alone, not a soul in sight but wearing the mask. What is he or she is afraid of?

Some tv people are still don't go into their studios but insist on reporting from home. One guy I think is reporting from his kitchen. This is ridiculous.

Most of the people who do this from home have their books behind them. They all show off how intelligent they are with their political or financial or historical books. Where do they keep their porno books? I wonder if they arrange these books before they get on camera? The way it looks they will eliminate studios because it seems reporting from home is a lot cheaper. They will also exclude audiences because they will just put on the laughing machines.

Here is another thing I can not understand. A person gets in his car, he is all alone  and is wearing the mask. A car in my opinion is an extension of one's home. This means that he is wearing the mask inside his home, right? What are these people trying to prove? They think that they are now totally safe from the virus? I don't believe they are. But they believe it.

Wearing a mask all the time will unneccesitate shaving for men and make ups for women. Boy, our lives will be so simple.

Monday, April 12, 2021


I am not like a gas station that is open 24/7.

Sunday is a day of rest

Sunday, April 11, 2021


Lately I see a lot of Tesla model cars on the streets. New York City is not known as a friendly location for these cars. I have never ever seen a charging station. Few years ago whe we were in Las Vegas and outside of that city charging stations were present all over. But not here.

I would be very much afraid that I would run out of battery power while on the street. So, I don't know how these people keep their cars charged up. I am sure they don't have long extension chords leading into their apartments for charging mainly if one lives on a higher floor.

But regardless of this problem they seem to be popular around here. 

I wonder how good these cars are.  They look nice in the inside and they look fairly nice on the ouside. As far as I know their price range is from $37,000 to about $75,000, Not too shabby but I think I will pass it now. For that kind of money I am sure I can get a car where I don't have to be scared if the battery runs down.

Maybe when we get to that point where all cars will be battery operated, and gasoline goes out of style I might consider it. But then there will always be horse power.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

I like...

This morning I was wathching the new and within one segment I heard the most "popular" antisemitic remark.

The news item was on I24 an israeli news channel. I think the subject was that the israeli government is now permitting relatives of emigrants to enter the country for visiting their family members. This was done because the country is closed down due to the pandemic.

In the course of that item they interviewed an american couple whose son is in Israel for whatever reason. I believe the couple to be non-jewish because of what the father said. What he said was short and concise he said quote: ...I like the Jewish people...

To me this is as antisemitic as it can be. I used to hear statements like "he is Jewish but nice" or "he is black but nice". These and similar ones are most racist expressions one can hear. And, to hear it in this country is more disturbing because of the mix of people living next to one another without any problems.

This indicates that regardless of educating people there is an underlying hatred toward one another,

Very sad! 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Post Office

It is beyond my simplistic understanding how the famous US Post office works. It seems to me they deliver mail at their liking. There is no rhyme and reason why they are so inefficient.

Case in point. On April 5 of this year I mailed a few registered letter to Hungary at the cost of $18.54 each with a reasonable delivery date and each with a Tracking Number.

Today is the 8th of April and when I try to find what their status is I get a message that they are Not Trackable. What kind of a bullshit is this? The clerk at the window placed all kinds of barcodes and numbers on the envelopes, charged the $18.54 for each of the letters and they just disappeared in the fog? I never heard anything like this before.

The US Post Office delivers mail at whim! When it is a little complicated they dump it but only after collecting the proper postage. I thing carrier pigeons were and maybe are still more reliable. The Postmaster General was front of a congressional commitee and claimed their service is good. It is just like the auto traffic front of my friend I wrote about before. He is so high up he can not smell what is below him. He is totally clueless about the goings on in his jurisdiction.

Years ago the mail was reliable and was always delivered promptly and accurately. One could count on it. Now, we mail time sensitive items and are glad if it arrives within a month. And, I am writing this from experience.

Their inefficiancy make the private services - FedEx, UPS, DHL - look a lot, lot better. It is a shame they cost so much more! I am convinced that like everything else in our lives this is also politically motivated. But nobody in the administration or in congress seems to be interested in fixing it and to bring it back to its previous glory. 

They don't care because it has no public sentiment value. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021


People are totally undisciplined. They always complain. If things are good they are not good enough, if things are bad they are very bad.

This country never had a war on its mainland. thank God.  Because of that the American people have no idea what serious restriction are. Like curfew, like covering the windows with dark paper so light will not escape thereby avoiding the danger of being bombed or shot at.

American people are soft at the core (and undisciplined). Every regulation immediately a constitutional crisis relating to freedom of choice. This is nuts!

When this virus thing started all everybody cared about what will happen to the sport scene. Not what kind of remedy might be available but , the NBA, the NHL, the NFL, the MBL scedule. It was more important to know what will happen to the traditional Spring Break than to know what will happen to the virus.

Americans are into themselves. They don't care about anybody else. Let me go out to the ballgame and the world can go to hell! This is their attitude. 

No wonder not to many people in the world like the Americans.    

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Professional sport team owners have one thing in mind: winning. Winning at any cost. Sometimes it does not really matter if they win fairly or unfairly as long as they win. Money is never an object, not when the owners are billionaires and millions spent really don't put a dent in their coffers.

They can afford to "buy" any player at any cost as long as they believe they have the best. A few days ago I read this report: Mets sign shortstop Francisco Lindor to massive 10-year, $341 million extension, according to report. The New York Mets have reached an agreement on a long-term extension with shortstop Francisco Lindor worth roughly $340 million.

Now, who the hell is this guy to worth such an astronomical amount of money? Did he invent the cure for cancer? Did he find the cure for the coronavirus? Did he find the cure for the common cold? Did he find the cure for Altzheimer? Is he a world renown scientist who works for the betterment of people? Does he have several PHDs?

None of the above and none of anything that is worthwhile and has to do with society..

He is a Puerto Rico born baseball player  whos only talent is that he can hit the ball! I am sure he can also spit far.To me baseball players are disgusting. All they do is chew like cows, then spit. No other athletes do this. Because they always spit where they stand their dugouts must look like  pigsties. I don't understand the need to be like this.

In the 1960s the Mets were one of the worst teams in the league. Yet, their popularity was huge. I don't think they spent such unbelievable amount of money on any player, they tried to do with what they had. They trained harder and eventually they played better. But today the owners are impatient. If they lose today, tomorrow they must win otherwise good bye manager.

They are constantly trading players. A guy may play in one team but by the time the game is over he might find that he was traded to another team.

Anyway, in my opinion $340 million for ten years, that is $34 million per year is immoral! Nobody in this world is worth that much! Certainly not a basaball player!  

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Easter Monday

Today is Easter Monday. In the Roman Catholic faith it is a major holiday. It has a religious significance, but I don't exactly know what. Actually, not just the Roman Catholics observe it but most of other christian denominations. This means that most of the christian countries in the world observe it. 

There is no work in those countries, banks, stock markets, schools and most of everything are closed. Just the way it supposed to be. 

But, not in this country. This country goes out of its way to show that government and church are separated. If we look at the calendar the only official holiday that is religious is Christmas Day. Every other holiday in one way or another is political in nature. Maybe New Year's Day is the exception.

The New York Stock Market that is totally non-political(?) is closed on Good Friday. But then every Market in the world are also closed. I also think that most markets are also closed today outside of this country.

I don't understand why is it such a big deal to admit believing in God? At the start of every session of Congress (both houses) in Washington a chaplain gives a benediction asking for God's blessing. Is this not religion?

If they want to keep government and church separated then why the chaplain does not say: hey God, you do your thing and we do ours? 

Monday, April 5, 2021


 Today is Easter Sunday and the weather is beautiful. I am taking the day off.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Show offs

There is a volunteer Jewish ambulance service in Queens and I am sure in many other places, too. It is called Hatzolah. I think that is a hebrew word meaning rescue or relief.

They are very good. They monitor 911 and many times respond faster than the city's ambulance service. This is manned by orthodox men and as I heard there are many doctors among them. When there is a call these people come from every direction in their personal cars plus the ambulance. Their cars are equipped whith flasing lights and very loud sirens.

Since I am colorblind I can not tell the difference between an unmarked police car's lights and theirs'.

Interesting fact: because they provide this volunteer service (rely on donations) they work on saturdays and all Jewish holidays.

I heard from other sources that these people are first rate becaose most of them are doctors. Oh, they respond to all calls not just jewish related.

Now, why am I writing this ode to Hatzolah? The other day my wife and I were driving in our neighborhood when I saw these people front of an apartment house with lights flashing. Fine, no issue, sorry for the people who nedded them.

But one of the volunteer doctor's car was a Maserati. This bugged me a lot. I know that the majority of doctors make more than an average bloke. They have every right to live accordingly, and support their families the best way they can. But please, don't flaunt it!

A Maserati runs between $75,000 and over $100,000. I don't know how reliable it is but I am sure there are several just as reliable cars and less flashy are around.

I used to have a doctor friend who had his practice in his house. Drove a very simple car, not even a Cadillac. When asked why not somthing better? His response was thathis patients would be frightened off if they saw an expensive car in his driveway. This what I expect from a decent doctor!

One time I saw a doctor with MD licence plate driving a Ferrari sport car on a parkway. I thought that kind of boasting is ridiculous. Get a boat, get a horse, get a plane,. These things can be kept private. Cars can not because they are on public roads. 

For any doctor to show off such a way I find distasteful.  


Doctor and his Maserati

Saturday, April 3, 2021


I love to go to St. Maarten in the summer. It is hThe basic rule is that Gizmo rulesot, it is humid but it is worth it because St. Maarten (SXM) is a beautiful place. I have been going there for over twenty years and met some beautiful people and made many friends.

Unfortunately, the current health hysteria makes going there a little complicated but hopefully this also like everything else will resolve itself.

My resort is Divi Little Bay which has a great location, good beach and it is close to everything. This resort also has a girl macaw called Gizmo.

Gizmo is the flag bearer for the resort. There is a bar named after her, there are menu items named after her, and everybody loves and respects Gizmo. The basic rule is that Gizmo rules.

There is no party or event without Gizmo sitting at the bar on the back of a chair or on the bar.

Gizmo also has a great memory. All the vacationers only go there once a year but she remembers everybody. There are people she likes and there are people she can not stand. The ones she likes can pet her, hold her. The ones she does not like better stay away from her very sharp beak.

I am in the middle of her list. She does not dislike me but not in love with me either. My wife on the other hand immediately became one of her favorites. Gizmo sat on her shoulders, let her hold her and walked up and down on her arm.

Gizmo's age is a mystery. According to statistics this bird's average age is 60. Somebody who worked at this resort for over 30 years told me that when he started work Gizmo was there already. 

One thing is for sure. She has longevity, she has a good home and a lot better life than if she were out in the wild.

One more thing. As far as I know she is single. Maybe that contributes to her happiness. 


Friday, April 2, 2021

The Prez

Our glorious, senile president just proved to the world where he stands. He is antisemitic and anti-Isreal, This man is not normal, he is not fit to be president of this countrty which is obvious by his daily actions.

His administration, surely following his and his vp's instructions, just granted $100 million aid to  Palestine.

To the Palestine that is a country, along with Iran, that is sworn to destroy Israel. That country is ruled by Hamas which is a terrorist organization also sworn to destroy Israel.

And then this senile old man in the White House grants them a $100 million aid package. What does he hope to achieve? That Israel will be destroyed? Maybe both him and his leftist vice president hope to see that. They can rest assured it will never happen!

If the US turns away from the best ally it has in that area what can the others hope for? Israel still has many friends that will stand by it (or her). 

The sad thing is that this president just wnts to show that he is different from his predecessor and that is why he is cancelling achievements President Trump made. Like the middle east peace arrangements.

This is a disgrace! The old ugly American designation will be replaced with the stupid American now. Just to show that he is different he created a chaos at the southern border. Things are so bad now that he passed the buck over to his vp to fix it. This is another joke.

Can we imagine areas is Texas and Arizona people are sleeping with their guns at the ready because the bordertowns are overrun by the illegals he invited into this country. Why he does not invite them to Delaware? That is his home base, right. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021


When I grow up I want to be a weatherman (meteorologus). I always said this is the job for those who do not want any responsibility for their actions.

Take today, they were forecasting rain today into tomorrow. According to them it was 100% probability that it would rain.

Now, it is 3pm and the sun is shining! Is this a forecast or what? Tomorrow afternoon they said we might see some snowshowers. I think these people are just plain nuts.


A year ago, not liking "high altitude" we moved within the same apartment building into a larger garden apartment. The high altitude was on the fifth floor!

Now, when we step out the front door there is grass and a certain animal live. The animal life is limited to squirrels and some birds. My wife loves the squirrels therefore, every day she puts out peanuts on a small paper plate and botteld water. And, would you believe it by midday the peanuts are all gone. I guess they like it. I love these peanuts and I swear the squirrels get more than I do,

Maybe I will sneak out and help myself to the goodies. Survival of the fittest!