Sunday, April 18, 2021


I was watching on tv, I guess with the rest of the world the funeral of Prince Philip. I found it very interesting.

First the pomp for this event and the way it was organized was unbelievable. I loved the different uniforms and the way all members of the military behaved. If I compare their parade dresses with the Americans' the difference is night and day. American dress uniforms are about as drab as N. Korea's might be if not worse. Can not understand why this country can not develop more colorful uniforms at least for special occasions.

The protocol surrounding the appearance of the royal family was very interesting. I could understand the order of their appearances but what I could not understand why there was nobody from the family with the widow, the Queen? In any funeral isn't normal to surround the widow and provide some kind of support? Or is this family so cold that they do not know what sorrow is and how to comfort one and other? Do they lack all feelings? Protocol to hell, if I want to console someone near me I would do it!

The contact between the two feuding brothers was cold at first but at the end of the service they walked out together and it looked like they were talking. Time will tell about what. 


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