Saturday, April 17, 2021


I am convinced that when God took that rib out of him to create Woman, also known as Eve, He must have put something else into the mix. Yes, we are similar but at he same time assimilar to each other, but there are also some hidden "talents" in women that only surface once they get married. I would not say these are extrasensory preceptions but these are things only married women have.

A man can live in his environment without changing them, practically forever. A woman will insist, without giving a closer look that it is a pigsty. I always help my wife cleaning house. One of my duties is dusting. No matter how well I dust there is always the comment after it that there is dust everywhere. She must have eyes like a hawk. My eyballs fall out but I don't see a single speck of dust, yet she swears that there is dust everywhere.

The silver cabinet looks great but suddenly she announces that the silver look oxidated, they must be cleaned. They looked fine to me.

One other thing that I do at home. I vacuum. I always thought operating any machinery is the macho thing to do, and the vacuum cleaner falls into this category. So, I vacuum. I go through the carpets and the floor. Sometimes she takes the machine away from me and re-vacuums them. I don't understand this. Does she think that this vacuum cleaner sucks better when she operates it?

Now, why this prologue?

Today she decided to wash the windows. I don't see why when I was perfectly able to see out. I saw the light, I saw the people. To me that was enough. But no, they needed to be washed. We live on the first floor so washing was fairly easy. She asked the building super to connect a water hose to an outlet at the front of the building, and using this long hose washed all our windows from the outside. Now, I can see more light and more people. But did I need this?

Good think Eve didn't know what windows were.

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