Friday, April 9, 2021

Post Office

It is beyond my simplistic understanding how the famous US Post office works. It seems to me they deliver mail at their liking. There is no rhyme and reason why they are so inefficient.

Case in point. On April 5 of this year I mailed a few registered letter to Hungary at the cost of $18.54 each with a reasonable delivery date and each with a Tracking Number.

Today is the 8th of April and when I try to find what their status is I get a message that they are Not Trackable. What kind of a bullshit is this? The clerk at the window placed all kinds of barcodes and numbers on the envelopes, charged the $18.54 for each of the letters and they just disappeared in the fog? I never heard anything like this before.

The US Post Office delivers mail at whim! When it is a little complicated they dump it but only after collecting the proper postage. I thing carrier pigeons were and maybe are still more reliable. The Postmaster General was front of a congressional commitee and claimed their service is good. It is just like the auto traffic front of my friend I wrote about before. He is so high up he can not smell what is below him. He is totally clueless about the goings on in his jurisdiction.

Years ago the mail was reliable and was always delivered promptly and accurately. One could count on it. Now, we mail time sensitive items and are glad if it arrives within a month. And, I am writing this from experience.

Their inefficiancy make the private services - FedEx, UPS, DHL - look a lot, lot better. It is a shame they cost so much more! I am convinced that like everything else in our lives this is also politically motivated. But nobody in the administration or in congress seems to be interested in fixing it and to bring it back to its previous glory. 

They don't care because it has no public sentiment value. 

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