Sunday, April 25, 2021


Just a little afterthought on my earlier facial hair diatribe. I noticed that a lot of male athletes go into their selective sport events unshaven. I wonder if this is the Samson complex? You see, Samson lost his physical strength when his hair was cut. His eyes were poked out but that had no effect on his strength.


Watching the news one can barely hear anything else than Covid-19 or vaccine. Like if there was nothing else happening in this world. Ok, I understand that this is the most important thing we have to face, but constantly reminding us is not doing us any favors. I. personally am sick of it. It makes me wonder if we really have a virus that is so serious or just the media is stirring up the public for whatever reason they have.

This virus/vaccine subject is getting so boring that I even welcome any news about Harry's visit to the UK for his grandpappy's funeral.

Interestingly, outside of the US there are lots of news, findings, comments about the negative effects of the vaccines but no such news can be found here. Here they keep the lid on such things because they are desperately trying to get the people vaccinated. To what end? There are good scientists in other countries not just here. Their findings and cricisms must be taken into count. We can not be so uppety with ourselves that no other opinion matters. Dr. Fauci is no God even if wants to play the role.

It is known that good, effective medicines take about 15 years to develop. These vaccines took months to develop and now they swear on their bank accounts that they work. Very unbelievable! 

The more the government is pushing the vaccination the more political this entire thing is becoming. I belong to this clinic where most of my doctors are. I found out that almost half of the medical people who work there did not get the vaccine because they do not trust the system.

Now, who should I trust? The barely alive president, the governor or the mayor? Interestingly, they all belong to the same party.

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