Friday, April 16, 2021


Speaking of boring.

This pandemic is making me pick newer passtimes. Regular tv is getting boring. Their primetime shows I find not very entertaining, news is depressing and preoccupied with the virus. So, what is left to watch?

Sports is the answer.

I am not much of a baseball fan but I watch when there is nothing more interesting. Basketball is good but because of the empty seats these games look more and more like practice sessions. Depressing to watch. Golf is fine and there is tennis. If I watch tennis long enough I realize that these are the same players playing against each other just at different locations. And basically, they are chasing the mighty dollar.

NBC has an olympic channel where they show events from past olympics and current championships. Well, this great because in the world of sports there are many-many interesting events happening. Just recently they were showing a lot of skiing and then figure skating world championship. The skiing I found extremely interesting but figure skating was not my cup of tea.

Now on the interesting scale they hit rock bottom. They are showing curling. To me this one of the most boring sport in the world. To watch a curling tournament is like watching grass grow. This is my opinion and I am sure this sport also has its fan base. One good thing about this is that not like baseball, here they don't spit.

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