Friday, April 23, 2021


For a while now, every time I see the picture of a celebrity on tv or in photographs they always have a certain amount of facial hair visible. This is a little more than the usual 5 o'clock shadow because this seems to be permanent.

This is interesting, because when certain male actors appear in their roles they are perfectly clean shaven, but when they are home they have this extra hair. I don't understand, is this the fashion now?

The same goes for their hair, too. When not on camera they let their hair grow every wich way. The Neanderthals also had long hair and beard!

Does this mean because they don't work they do not have to look clean, and they can sleep longer because it will take less time to get ready for the day? 

Yesterday, out of desperation, I was watching The Price is Right with Drew Carey. This man is a fairly good comedian but somewhere along the line I think he went nuts. He has long gray hair and digusting looking beard. His clothing looked like they were Salvation Army rejects. I don't know what is he trying to prove. The man makes a mountain of money but can buy normal looking dress? 

If I don't shave every day or let's say every other day I look like an old homeless bum. A few times I let it go for three days the most. My electric razor almost gave up on me. It was pinching my skin when I attempted to shave. Also, when I looked in the mirror I scared myself at what I saw. I almost didn't recognize myself.

But the way I see it only the men do this to themselves. Women, even if they don't work they look presentable and clean.

I'm sure those baggy and crappy looking jeans they wear cost a fortune but still. If this is today's fad they should get it over with.

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