I am not a hard-core Trump fan, but I do like his approach to certain things. I think he does not care about politics, he is trying to do what he thinks is right. And I mean right for the people and for the country. Without being a Republican or Democrat. And that is why the professional politicians, like Nancy Pelozi are popping up and hate him.
Nobody can make me believe that these lawsuits against him are not organized by anti-Trump forces and primarily Democrats. How is it possible that for years nothing and suddenly now lawsuit after lawsuit are coming up into the open?
I always thought that in this country one is innocent until proven guilty. Yet starting with Colorado they wanted to lock Trump out of the primary roster because of the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol building in Washington. He was never proven guilty but still they went ahead and tried to exclude him. Is this the American way? Get rid of the popular opposition leader who might win the election the other side does not want him to?
Putin does similar things, maybe a little more drastically and we are criticizing him. But whatever happens here is ok. We are very good with double standards. Criticize the other guy while we are doing the same thing in our own house.
The lawsuits against him in New York City and New York State, in Georgia and God knows where else are part of a conspiracy I believe to block him from running for the presidency. He is popular and well liked and if he wins again, it is a giant slap on the face of the Democratic party. Hardcore democrats who blindly follow their party will vote for this 82 year old man who forgets his words, has to use cue cards for everything and can not give a straight answer to any question he is asked.
These people do not realize or do not care that their acts make America the laughing stock of the world. Nobody is looking at them as the leader of the free world but as a joke. And this what hey want!
Good country America!