Saturday, November 12, 2016


There is a government publication called the Plum Book. This publication lists every political government position and employee from the Executive branch all the way down to the last agency.

I found it because I stared to read about the transition process. It just boggled my mind to see how many people work within that machinery called government. I always knew it was a huge organization but never realized just how huge.

And this list only includes the executive positions. Behind every chief there are the countless number of nameless people working who do the real work.

The government is filled with political appointees who work on borrowed time. President out, their jobs are finished. They "voluntarily" submit their resignations and leave. A new bunch comes in.

Nobody can tell me that these people have country's interest at their hearts. Their pocketbook's interest is at their hearts. They all have to make sure that when the time comes for them to leave each have a cushy job  waiting somewhere. And the only way hat will happen if they perform favors.

It's a sick system that needs to be fixed. But the way it is  that it was always like this so why change it.

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