Wednesday, November 30, 2016


It is totally ridiculous what goes on in this country. On November 8 there was a presidential election. On that election Donald Trump won the electorate vote with a pretty considerable margin. Now some sore losers are demanding a recount just because the election didn't turn out the way they wanted to.

I thought we live in a democratic society. But apparently we are not.  This seems like a dictatorship where a minority dictates the rules the way it is advantageous for them.

Hillary Clinton conceded the election. Accepted Trump as the winner. The world accepted him as the winner. Now why it is necessary to go through this circus of a recount. What does that old woman from the Green Party expect to achieve.

And why did she run and what the hell is the Green Party? I'll bet she is getting aid by the Clintons to create this chaos. Because that is exactly what would happen if the election results are changed.

First there would be such a chaos in this country that nobody would believe it, second the United States would become the total laughing stock of the world. No money or loud talk would be able to buy back their prestige.

The new president would also be the laughing stock of the world and would be looked at as the Castro of the US.

Is that is what we want? I always thought a democratic election is one where the winner wins according to the rules. May those be the electoral votes or popular votes. Neither system is perfect but that is what we have here. And, if we don't like the results we live with it for four years and then change it.

But certainly don't change the outcome of a democratic election just because it was not as democratic as we wanted it.

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