Friday, November 11, 2016


Today we had a very busy day. It was a day that was spent making Abigail look and feel better.

I think I mentioned it before that she had cyst on her right ear. Today was the day it was removed. Because of certain insurance requirements we needed a doctor who was acceptable to her insurance company. After a long search we found the doctor who today did the procedure.

This involved getting up around 5:30 am and be in Manhattan before 8:15 for her appointment. The procedure was done within a hospital facility. I was totally impressed by the professionalism the way they treated her. They were kind and understanding throughout the entire time.

The doctor and the anesthesiologist took extra time to patiently explain the entire process and made sure she understood and was comfortable with it.

The process itself took only about half an hour but still we spent about five hours there including recuperation. We were home before two o'clock in the afternoon.

Abigail behaved like a pro. She was good, didn't complain. We were both very proud of her. Now she feels good and just waits for the little scar to heal. Luckily there is no school Friday this way she can stay home and just relax. Relaxing is never a problem with Abigail. She is pretty good at it.

Her mom and I on the other hand are totally exhausted. Worrying is exhausting.

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