Thursday, November 10, 2016


I am full of excuses for my tardiness. I didn't write yesterday because I was caught up in history making events. I don't know where it says that history making events make one sleepy but the end result was that I was very sleepy this morning.

Actually, we stayed up late watching the election returns but I couldn't hold it 'till 3 am when Trump was declared the winner. My wife stayed up and had the decency not to waken me up from my beauty sleep to let me know the results. She did it this morning.

Anyway, the man did it, he pulled off one of the biggest surprises in American history. Now we sit and watch what will happen. There is nothing else on TV all day but analysis of what happened and why did it happen and how did it happen.

It really pissed me off to watch people of Hilary Clinton's camp falling all over each other and crying crocodile tears because of the loss. What a ridiculous sight. Why do people have to cry because of a political loss?

The other thing what is interesting is to se how all the politicians who were anti Trump until a few days ago are now changing their colors and allegiances. They are doing it so fast that they are falling all over each other. This just proves that politicians have no conscience, no backbone. They bend whichever way the winds of power blows from.

And they have fantastic talent explaining their actions as ridiculous as it sounds.

I am too honest, I could never be a politician.

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