Thursday, December 1, 2016


My wife's son has a dog who responds to the name of Carlo. Carlo is an American Terrier but looks almost like a pit bull.

He is the most gentle and lovable dog I have ever known. He is huge about 80 pounds.

He spends his days sleeping and playing. There is also a beautiful cat in the apartment and Carlo and him are like brothers. The just get along perfectly. They sleep together and play together. Like with kids there is a little jealousy between them but nothing serious.

Carlo sleeps on the bed and if it is not warm enough he must be covered. He eats dog food  if necessary but prefers people food. He snores like a person and sleeps on his back with his face on a pillow.

He hast be taken out for walks a few times a day and because they live right across a large park he just loves being there. He has several friends (dogs) and when they meet they just go totally nuts playing. They like to roughhouse but never too rough.

He loves to ride in the car mainly in ours because ours is an SUV and he sits in the back in the cargo area that's very comfortable to him..

He doesn't bark and makes friend with everybody he meets. The other night my wife and I went over to their house and while my wife and her son were working on the computer I was with Carlo.

I lied down on their bed and within minutes he was lying next to me, on top of me, his head on my shoulder on my arm and in the process was licking me like I was an ice cream cone.

He was so adorable that I couldn't get angry at him for all the attempted and half successful licking.

He is not a slobbering type of dog. Very clean and cute.

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