Tuesday, December 27, 2016


I used to have an uncle (my fathers first cousin) who lived in this country way before World War II. He passed away in 1990 at he age of about 85-90. In his later years and while he was in fairly good condition to travel he was obsessed looking up former schoolmates.

Interestingly he did find some and he made sure that at every visit to Hungary they met somewhere. His former and very old hunting ground was the Opera Cafehous in Budapest. I have no idea where that was and even if it still exists. But they met somewhere.

Each time when he returned to the States he told me how terrible condition his old school chums were. Some in wheelchair some on crutches and pn and on. But they kept on meeting and kept on rehashing old memories.

I respected his will and interest for trying to keep in touch with these old friends.

Now, I am doing the same thing. A few months ago I found the Facebook addresses of a few old school or rather classmates and wrote to them.

Lo and behold one just responded back. It was very exciting to pick up the line of communication with someone I knew about 65 years ago and that someone still remembering me. I keep in touch regularly with about four of my former classmates but this one just showed up suddenly.

We have a lot to catch up with and I am looking forward to it.

With Facebook this really is a small world we live in.

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