Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Clean House

I love my wife, what's more I adore her. She is a very strong willed lady. She knows what she wants and how to get it. She takes care of our family and makes sure we all are well kept. She also cooks to our desires.

The dog also adopted her as his mommy because Abigail who is the titular owner takes care of him kind of so-so.

My wife makes mi life easier because she took a lot of responsibility off my shoulders. This way I have more time left to do nothing.

My darling wife has one if I may call it flaw. She is extremely clean. Now, there is nothing wrong with this. We are all clean and we all wash behind our ears even if nobody tells us to do it, right?

But in this house there are different rules. We clean from top to bottom every day. Cleaning means full dusting, vacuuming and wash all floor surfaces.

Dusting and vacuuming are my responsibilities, cleaning the kitchen surfaces are Abigail's chores while supervising us, cooking, cleaning the bathrooms and laundry are my wife's.

I naturally do all my chores voluntarily (if I want to eat). This means I dust everything and vacuum the entire apartment. Mind you, we have a large apartment and there is a lot to vacuum. But that is my daily exercise. It is exercise because there is a lot of bending and kneeling down involved. (Actually, the bending and kneeling are front of my wife!) 

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