Monday, February 8, 2021

Face Covering

This pendemic situation is "forcing" me tp watch on TV I normally would not watch. It is forcing me to watch everything from stamp collecting to football, from bass fishing to curling. Watching them does not make me fall in love with them but what the heck.

I became such a sports fan than I am impatiently waiting for the baseball spring season to start. 

Anyway I have an observation. I was watching (semi intently) the Super Bowl and I noticed something that I could not understand. Actually, this is something I noticed on previous football games that I semi intently watched.

Coaches talk into their microphones. I have no idea with whom they are communicating but I can understand that these communications are not for the opposition teams. And, I can also understand why they covered their mouths when they spoke. As it turned out in the baseball world these teams had professional lip readers.

So back to my inquiry. The football people talk into their microphones, probably giving play instructions to their players. This is understandable. They also don't want the opposing team know what they are saying and that is why they cover their mouths.

But for crying out loud, they are wearing face masks! We can see their faces much less their mouths. So, why is this covering up when they talk? Just a force of habit or paranoia?

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