Thursday, February 4, 2021


On Tuesday night we had a terrible experience. An experience that can not be described in plain words. An experience that will leave such impressions on us that we will never be able to forget it. An experience that I couldn't care less about but it made Abigail very upset.

What happened last night, you ask?

We lost internet connection around midnight! Now normally people don't get concerned about what happens at that hour. But not in our house. As it turns out teenagers, at least Abigail's friends are up until the wee hours of the morning communicatig, playing games etc. (then sleep 'till noon).

Every night from around 11 pm until about 2 am she and her boyfriend play on their Playstation wiping out the earth population, or watch a movie together on their laptops. When the internet went down, suddenly there was nothing to do. And, that was a tragedy. These kids never heard of conversation!

As it turned out the cable provider was performing scheduled maintenance and by morning everything was ok. 

What puzzles me is how was I able to survive my teenage years without these gadgets? Some of my friend didn't even have telephones. If we wanted to see each other we went over to their houses. My girlfriend lived on the third floor, had no telephone. If I wanted to see her I stood at the curb and whistled to her. We had a special tune and that way she knew it was me (and could pretend she didn't hear it).

The lack of all the things today's kids have left a gaping hole in my life. Maybe that is why I turned out the way I did. No internet, no playstation, no laptop, no cell phone. What a terrible childhood!

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