Saturday, February 20, 2021

Snow 2

Second day in the row and it is still snowing. Our sidewalks are kind of cleaned but my wife said they were very slippery. Because of my age and "sensitive" physic I am forbidden to go outside and chance falling down.

Beiung as lazy as I am I have no problem with that!

Unfortunately I am not as steady on my feet as I used to be. Regardless if I feel invincible, I am not. That is the cursde of old age. I (we) think we can still do whatever we desire but reality is that we can not. ER

I don't know if I ever mentioned it but on last December 19, right after an earlier snowfall I took a tumble on the street. We took the dog out for a walk and I fell. The result was a night at the ER of a nearby hospital because I got pretty banged up. So ever since then I am a little leery of icy sidewalks or anything icey, except my drinks.

Naturally, my lovely wife is my protector. Wenever I lack brain or clear thinking which is frequently happening she steps in and reads the riot act to me.

So, now the second day in a row I am a shut in. She does go out alone but I am forbidden to even think of it. But you know, I don't feel bad. I have my computer, TV and my family, including the dog. So, I  am never alone.

I think back when I was working and weather was bad how rarely I stayed home. I walked down the street to the subway station, skidding and sliding and without a second thought about falling which incidentally never happened.

Once it happens you can not get the feeling and consequences (possible and real) out of  your mind.

I used to be sorry when winter was over, now I am looking forward to spring. Hey, that's life!

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