Friday, February 26, 2021


I am sitting here thinking what the heck should I wright about. The daily events are not that interesting that I should waste my energy on those even though the local political life is buzzing with cotnroversies.

But, you know what, I lean back and watch the show.


Something else.

Lately when we finish our daily chores (and there is a lot of those) my wife and I relax with Robin in our midst and watch tv. Since there is absolutely nothin g interesting in programming we turned to watch Netflix, Youtube and Amazon Prime. 

We love to see horse movies where there is a lot of horse riding (not cowboy movies) and also some tearjerker story behind those.

Another type of movies are Israeli films, and there are plenty of those. Most of them are in Hebrew with English subtitles (obviously these are the ones we watch) but they are very interesting. The subjects vary. War, love, religion and in between. 

Most of them we find very interesting but there are some that are plainwaste of time. Watching movies filmes in Israel also intruduce us to the local landscape, local neighborhoods. We see places that tourist ads don't show.

Once we run out of Israeli movies we'll probably pick another nationality. There are plenty listed. Interstingly, recently we saw a few films that were listed under Israel but were filmed in South America. The only connection was that the story was Jewish. Regardless, they were fairly good.

One noteworthy show was a TV series that ran for two seasons about an orthodox family. It was called: Shtisel. It ran for two seasons because its popularity they made third season. It was already released in Israel, we are waiting for the US release.

I just thought this would be an interesting programming note.

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