Saturday, March 18, 2023


 I never liked chemistry. I didn't like it in school and I stayed away from it all my life. The reason I didn't like it because I never understood it. I didn't understand the symbols, and I didn't understand their combinations. So, life's interesting twist that Abigail find chemistry fascinating. Plus not just ordinary chemistry but organic chemistry.

I had to look up on the internet what organic chemistry is and now I am the wiser. But I still don't like chemistry in any shape or form. Abigail comes home from the college and always excitedly tells us what she did, what experiments she worked on in the labs. To me they all sound like she speaks in a foreign tongue. So, I make it like I understand it and 

How can people like this? Maybe I am a little uppity about it but I can not find anything interesting much less exciting about chemistry. To me it is an abstract science. Not like engineering where one can create things, build things. Working with molecules and atoms is just not my cup of tea. But if she likes it and understands it it is ok with me.

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