Monday, June 13, 2016


My lovely wife has been asking for a while that she would like to go to some kind of a flea market. In the city, outside the city it didn't matter but she wanted to see a flea market.

So the thoughtful husband that I am I searched and found some places in Manhattan where they show antique stuff. We woke up at he crack of dawn then went back to sleep. Then later on really got up, got ready snd drove into big bad Manhattan. Being Sunday morning it was pretty easy drive.

Went directly to West 25th Street where we found and outdoor antique flea market and a few permanent antique galleries.

Now, walking around what they call antiques is for me a traumatic experience. Stuff they sell as antiques is stuff I grew up with. Items some people don't even know what are they for I used on daily bases or had in our apartment.

One thing we saw the guy said it was made in the 30s and it still works pretty good. I told him that I was made in the 30s and I still work pretty good.

At the end we bought a small electric samovar made in the 40s, a heavy wood cabinet made about a 100 years ago and a copper fireplace cleaning set made about two weeks ago. Oh, and we also bought a small cast iron shirt hand iron the type my mother used to make.

The bottom line is these places have more junk than a junk yard but they also have a lot of good items.

There was a small carved figurine of Moses holding the ten Commandments. The guy said it was $20. I offered $15 he said no. He was very obnoxious and said he would rather throw it out to the garbage than give it away for $15.

But there were also nice vendors, too.

Now our apartment has less available space for oxygen.

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