Friday, June 24, 2016


As I mentioned before Wednesday we were supposed to take Abigail and a few of her friends to the beach for a day of sun and fun.

Final result was they had the fun and we got the sun.

Anyway the day wasn't all that bad. Wasn't all that good either but it could haven worst. The kids wanted to go to Coney Island and each wanted to sit om ten horses with one behind (olde Hungarian saying).

We visited the Aquarium which happened to be pretty interesting then on to the beach which was really next door. The kids played ball, ran in and out of the water while we sat and gazed into thin air.

With the exception of the Aquarium we stayed pretty far away because we were told not to come near them. I forgot to tell it was ten kids. Five girls and five boys.

The Aquarium was the exception because fourteen year olds can only go in with adult supervision and we were asked to be their "adult supervision".

After lunch they decide to go into the amusement park and go on some rides. By now they were getting a little tired and we hoped to start going home around four. But one thing these kids have and that is energy. They wanted to stay until about six (from nine in the morning) but we told Abigail that no way we would stay that long.

Finally we started to head home at five in the middle of the rush hour traffic. I don't have to tell that Abigail was deeply hurt and pissed and didn't talk to us all the way home because we dared to interrupt her day with her friends.

Kids are funny. The only thing they think of is themselves. Like yesterday, they were busy doing stupid things but nobody cared what we were doing which was absolutely nothing. But it was expected that mom is at arms length when a towel is needed or something has to be held like glasses or money is needed from good old dad (that was me).

Since we were out all day under the sun I was pretty exhausted and when we got home I sat down on the sofa and promptly fell asleep. I got a little sunburn which I really don't mind but my poor wife really got burnt. She has very sensitive white skin and it is now red and pink all over. I'm like an elephant (not the nose) my skin can take anything.

Plus wandering in the desert for forty years prepared my skin for the rays of the sun. Being on the beach also reduced my depression a little.

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